Why do we need a SuDSPlanter®?
Why do we need a SuDSPlanter®?
Today’s climate means we face increasingly uncertain weather patterns, higher frequency flooding and a stressed environment. Our issues with more extreme weather have been exacerbated by the loss of permeable landscapes in towns and cities, replaced by paved areas, roads, roofs, so increasing our amount of surface water run off. This is rainwater ‘looking’ for somewhere to go.
Our piped drainage systems receive flows quicker than ever before and in larger volumes than they are designed to cope with. To add to this we have an increasing pollution risk from highway runoff carrying sediments and debris into local streams and rivers. In extreme events our combined sewer overflows surge into these watercourses too, all adding to the rising levels of pharmaceuticals, phosphorus and nitrates arriving in our waterways.

“Loss of permeable landscape has meant higher peak flows, serious flooding, pollution, damage to property and habitats, and contamination of groundwater sources.”
Pollution entering our rivers reduces oxygen levels making it difficult for aquatic plants and fish to survive. For humans this can effect water quality in the towns and countryside, impacting on drinking water for wildlife, livestock and ourselves.
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Part of the problem affecting water quality in our rivers and seas is the increasing volume of sewage entering water bodies through combined sewer overflows (CSOs). CSOs are designed to activate during periods of heavy rainfall to reduce the risk of sewage backing up into homes and flooding toilets.
However, aging infrastructure, increased hardstanding areas in urban environments, greater water usage, and the impacts of climate change are all contributing to the growing volume of water entering sewers. This has placed additional pressure on our sewer systems.
The SuDSPlanter® is designed to help the industry address the rising number of CSO spills entering our rivers and seas each year. By capturing roof water runoff and slowing its flow into the sewer system, SuDSPlanter® reduces CSO spills while filtering rainwater. This approach helps to create additional capacity in sewers and promotes a healthier environment for everyone.
A SuDSPlanter® delivers the following benefits to meet with the CIRIA Four Pillars
SuDSPlanter® benefits
- Reduces flood risk
- Improves water quality
- Delivers Biodiversity net gain
- Increased levels of green infrastructure
- Better places to live
- Engagement with local communities
- Adoption to climate change
- Carbon management

SuDSPlanter® Environmental Ethos