How does the SuDSPlanter® work?
How does the SuDSPlanter® work?
SuDSPlanter® is designed to capture rainwater run-off from roofs by rerouting the downpipe into the planter instead of directly into the drains. The planter is made up of a series of layers, acting as both a sponge and a natural filter, attenuating flow and removing sediment and bird poo as the water soaks through to the reservoir below.
Our specially designed growing media provides the perfect environment for plants to thrive; nutrient and water retention, filtration and soil volume to sustain plant growth in both wet and dry conditions.

SuDSPlanter® is a uniquely designed rain garden which captures rainwater runoff from roofs, rather than leaving it to flow into the drains and sewers, potentially overloading the system. It’s a cleaner, greener more sustainable way to guard against today’s increasing risk of flooding and contamination.
SuDSPlanter® units provide water storage in dry or drought conditions, as well as storm storage designed to cope in wet environments. This makes the planter ideal for our changing weather patterns, combatting the increasing flood risk and water scarcity which we face.

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