Wiltshire Residential Property

Project Details

Sector: Residential
Location: Bradford-on-Avon
Client: Private Customer
Project Value: <£5000
Date: 2017

SuDSPlanter has retro-fitted to the rear of a 4 bedroom detached residential property in Wiltshire.

The SuDSPlanter was positioned to the rear of the property to handle a large proportion of the roof rainwater draining from 2 separate roof pitches. This allowed the system, including the growing/filter media, to be monitored and observed to assess performance.

Various outlet confi gurations have been monitored for over a year resulting in a range of useful observations and data on the hydraulic performance of the SuDSPlanter. A weather station providing real time rainfall and environmental data was also installed with the planter to provide rainfall input data to tie in with the collection of outlet and performance data.

It was demonstrated that during the year to the end of August 2018 it was possible to prevent the rainwater from all but three of the rainfall events from entering the surface water drainage system. These three events were also well attenuated, slowing and reducing the fl ow out of the SuDSPlanter during the storm events.

The SuDSPlanter also survived the summer ‘drought’ period without requiring further irrigation during almost two months of no rain and unusually hot weather.

SuDS Planter Community Planter Tongwynlais Housing Development
The completed project can cope with the expected volumes from a 1 In 100 year storm event + additional 40% for climate change and would meet all the current requirements for SAB Compliance / Approval.

Recent Residential Properties Case Studies

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By addressing drainage challenges at Mountfield Road, the installation not only resolved local sewer capacity problems but also contributed to compliance with regulatory requirements, delivering a successful outcome for all stakeholders.
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Leadon Court, Cwmbran

Due to the constrained nature of the site, innovative and efficient sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) were necessary to manage surface water while maximising the space available for housing and pedestrian access.

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Southern Water IOW Pathfinder Project

In residential areas prone to flooding across Southern Water’s service region, there was a critical need for retrofitted drainage solutions to address excess surface water runoff, which contributed to combined sewer overflow events during heavy rainfall.

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Why not drop us an email if you have any further questions or require any more information.